Article Summary:
Augmented Reality (AR) is the ability to overlay digital content to the physical world through the use of a smart phone camera or other smart device. Augmented reality has been used for several years and is slowly gaining popularity for marketing purposes, business opportunities, and location purposes. In
Implementing Augmented Reality in K-12 Education – Analyzing Current trends (2016)
, Clemens, Purcell, and Slykhuis discuss how augmented reality is being used specifically in the world of education. The research followed other studies on AR and found that more augmented reality apps or programs were tailored for elementary students over any other grade band. Research also found that most of the AR apps focused on the Science discipline by a large majority. After analyzing other research conducted on AR from 2011 to 2016, the researchers found that 18 studies found AR to have a positive outcome.
Clemens, Purcell, and Slykhuis (2016) found five positive learning benefits for using augmented reality in the classroom. These are collaborative content, visualization of content, student centered learning environments, increased student engagement, and diverse learning potential. Research shows that AR works well in environments where students are encouraged to collaborate. Augmented reality allows students to interact with one another and the content. Since AR produces images in 3D, the researchers found that "there was support for AR to provide
opportunities for visualizing concepts that were more difficult to gain understanding through
printed text, media and traditional content delivery" (Clemens, Purcell, Slykhuis, 2016, p. 1962). Augmented reality tends to be more utilized in classrooms that are taught using a flipped classroom approach of project based learning so students have a deeper understanding of AR(Clemens, Purcell, Slykhuis, 2016, p. 1962). Students showed higher levels of engagement across all grade level when using AR, and AR seems to be a good tool to utilize with students who are visual or kinesthetic learners.
In addition to the positive benefits, the researchers found four limiting factors of augmented reality in education. These include the novelty effect which just means that students might not be as interested once the new feeling wears off. Another limiting factor is what Clemens, Purcell, and Slykhuis call the cognitive overload. The numerous stimuli present in AR can be a distraction to some students, and occasionally students prefer the original method when compared to augmented reality. The other two limitations are technology glitches and immature research base. Since AR is a relatively new concept for widespread use, users have experienced technology malfunctions. Research behind best practices for Augmented Reality is also very limited so as of now since the use of AR in education is only in the crawling phase.
As the technology continues to develop, the potential for AR in education will become clearer. Based on the available research, Clemens, Purcell, and Slykhuis (2016) note that "AR
can lead to more efficient or productive implementation and adds depth of learning when added
to current curricular practice" (p. 1964). Due to the positive benefits of using AR, teachers should be familiar with the concept and understand how it could be used with content. As educators prepare to teach the next generation, they must acquire the knowledge necessary to implement emerging technologies such as AR in their field.
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Implications of AR:
Augmented Reality is already being used for digital marketing, location services, and as manuals for products. I am most impressed with the use of AR for marketing purposes. It is so neat that you can actually see furniture in your home before you purchase, see your walls painted a different color, or see products assembled before you purchase. However, there is so much more we could do with augmented reality. In my own field of education, I think we could use augmented reality for school tours, interactive content such as science experiments, and allow students to create their own aura. In the future I believe we will see AR used to show how clothes would look on us so that we do not have to try them on. I also think road trips will look completely different as travelers could be immersed into the towns that they pass through. Finding somewhere to eat would also be less of a hassle because you could scan your area and automatically be notified of the restaurants in your area with menu options provided. The potential of Augmented Reality is yet to fully be understood. As mentioned in the video, "It's really going to come down to devices. We can only go so far with this software." As the technology progresses, Augmented Reality will evolve and become more commonplace in our world.