Tuesday, January 24, 2017


Nearpod is a presentation solution for all teachers! The program works through apps or the website, and students use a unique code to login to the teacher's presentation. Teachers can create their presentations and control the pace of the lesson in real time. Students see the teacher's slide on their screen and then can interact with the presentation at the given opportunity. Teachers receive real time data about the student responses to help guide instruction. If you've ever used Peardeck, Nearpod reminds me of Peardeck except with the real time data response.

Nearpod has a few neat features such as the Homework option which allows students to view presentations at home as long as Internet access is available. The most awesome feature is that Nearpod has a collection of teacher made resources available in the Nearpod Market. These can be downloaded and used in your classroom!

Here are two examples of using Nearpod in the classroom:
1. You can use Nearpod to give your math lesson. Students can then annotate the math problem using the drawing tool on their screen, save it, and you see their response instantaneously. As the teacher, you can share a student's work with all students. They see whatever screen or slide you would like.

2. You could create learning units or additioal practice using Nearpod. Students could navigate through the work like a quest, and you see each of their responses as they submit. You can then pull students who do not understand, need additional help, etc. Nearpod has the potential to revolutionize how you teach in your classroom.

For more information, take a look at this video below:

1 comment:

  1. Excellent post. I'm unfamiliar with Pear Deck. I'll have to check that web tool out! Thanks!
